The network will train character by character on some text-Netflix ’s Sex Education season 1 scripts, then generate new characters. I trained the characters with using scripts from season 1, then get top 50 characters for each person. That’s why the sentences are in speech bubbles seems weird.

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Recreate a style transfer-uses 19 layer VGG Network- method to mix photo of ‘high’ Elon Musk and Picasso ’s painting, The Dream. The method that is outlined in the paper, Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks, by Gatys.

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Trained an image classifier to recognize different species of flowers, and build web app with Flask. The flowers chosen to be flower commonly occuring in the United Kingdom. Dataset can be found at Kaggle ’s InClass competitions.

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Sezin Engur

Engineer | ML Enthusiast

Python Developer
